Well, I finally got around to putting down a 2013 goals and 2012 look back, unfortunately it is a year late and I'll need to incorporate it into this years. so here we go:
2014 Goals:
-2 week camping trip
-work towards long term goal of all 4000 footers in white mtns (bag at least 1)
-learn rock climbing skills w/ kids
-Complete 1/2 MBA program by year end 2014
-Network for job prospects
-log consistent mileage
-All Cat scans A ok, good health
-family healthy
-Moved from the apartment to a house with a yard on Ocean st
-running came around last half of the year, logging steady mileage
-took the GMAT, got into Northeastern MBA program, started fall semester
-Work situation in Boston resolved. Forced decision on MBA program and future with current company
-Work situation is fun and fits well w/ graduate school
-nice camping trip to crawford notch
-kids ran their first running race (XC)
-Work situation in Boston resolved, meant I had to close the business-not an enjoyable 6 months dealing with it.
-Current work situation is tentative at best and could get bigger or go away at any moment.
-only one camping trip to crawford notch
-All Cat scans A OK, good health
-family healthy
-job promotion
-great camping trips, found crawford notch
-moved from the little house on Emerald to a bigger apartment on Bass point Nahant
-going to PT for running related issues
-job promotion-work situation is very stressful-Boston situation is volatile
-running is deplorable this year, due to a host of overuse injuries, primarily right groin/ hip flexor, taken a lot of time off and have seen PT to try and get to the bottom of it.
-Did not take the GMAT and apply to business school