A solid showing here with the family watching. Probably was a little too eager the first 1/2, but I was feeling good and not looking at my watch so I just rolled. Someone called out the 5 mile split at 32:20, and knowing that 32:30 was 6:30 pace, which was a stretch goal, I silently said "oh shit", I knew I had better throttle back for the coming hills or I'd be crawling the last 2 miles. I made a decided effort to slow down at 1/2 way.

Looking at my splits, it was a pretty bad fade-but miles 6,7,8 are pretty tough on this course- managed to hang on for a time that was a 1 second PR, from the same race in 2011-I'll take it. A little disappointed I didn't crack the top 100-came in 101st-but I'm pleased with the result-Progress. I am happy with how easy the first 4 miles felt at what was around 6:20 pace-I definitely think that racing shorter distances this spring has improved my leg turnover-now I just need to stretch the distances out and work on some tempo pace work to grind in pace-and give myself some confidence that I can hold the pace.
Garmin time:
total watch time(10.09miles) 1:07:23/6:41
total chip time 1:07:20/6:44