Sunday, December 28, 2014

10,000 mile

This is chump change compared to what real runners do but hey, I'm not a runner and I started this whole "yogging" (to quote R. Burgundy) thing 5 years ago.  On October 25th I ran my 10,000 mile, with the GPS watch I could watch it tick down-happened right at the top of Furbush Hill overlooking Boston in Nahant.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Back the Track 5k

Ran a pretty large 5k in Marblehead on Saturday, over 800 people toed the line. Shalane Flanagan was there to help raise money for a new track. Got a great picture with her and the kids. The kids competed in the 1 mile race and did great. It was brutally cold out, in the high teens when we left the house. I went to the line with basically no warm-up, which is never a good thing for me. I think I ran pretty well, within a few seconds of my best to date-but not a ground breaker-which I think I'm do for given my volume and consistency recently. I suffered on the middle mile (there was a decent hill), but if I can iron that out and have a decent day I think I can get down into the mid 18's. Good enough for 31st place in a pretty big field. results