What a great morning, my family cheering me on, perfect running weather, makes you happy to be alive and greatful to be able to go out there and do it. As far as the race went, 6:15 was out of the question after I went through the first mile in 6:52. Despite trying to get towards the front it was stop and go the first 1/8 of a mile, dodging people and trying to find a pace, then I was greeted by that big hill in the first mile. When I looked at the clock on the road it showed 7:15 (basically took me 20 seconds just to get to the starting line). Anyhow with the first mile down I pushed through the next two and started rolling over the last 2 miles. Not a bad go of it, I just needed to shave about 20 seconds off that first mile and I likely would have beat my time from the summer. This course was not as easy as I thought it would be and it felt like it took me the first 1/2 just to get rolling. Pretty good negative splits over the second half just wish the 1st half was faster. Great way to start a great Thanksgiving. Definately work this into future Thanksgiving's from now on.
Total: 32:33 (6:30/mile)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Good week
Last week I jumped back into it- 47 miles for the week, 4 runs over 9 miles, a quick 4 mile jog w/ my wife (first time we've jogged together in a long time) and a quick 1 mile run for time on the track (6:04). The Feaster 5 mile in Andover is on Thursday (Thanksgiving), I am planning on going out at 6:15/mile pace and trying to hang on. I ran 6:24/mile for a 5 miler in Nahant, I think my fitness is better and I think this course is likely faster-that is my hope anyhow. If that is the case I ought to negative split the last mile. We'll see what happens!!!!! Looking forward to getting a decent test of my fitness. On another note, I have begun using Running Ahead to log my runs, far superior to MapMyRun in terms of logging tools. Some of the advantages of Running Ahead it is free, unlike MapMyRun which is free until they start boning you when you try to get history. That bothered me initially, but I still fessed up the 30 bucks for the year. Lately, I've just gotten tired of the ads on the page, you can't log track workouts easily, and the reports that you can generate on Mapmyrun have a bunch of useless crap( i.e. calories per run etc). So, I have begun logging all my runs on RunningAhead (plus it has a workable gadget that you can see to the right). Now, I just have to figure out how to port over my records from Mapmyrun to Runningahead.
Friday, November 13, 2009
First run back from the Swine
Two weeks of straight zeros. Tonight I did my standard 7 miler along the Charles after work. Didn't feel great leg wise, heavy, slow, etc. But, respiratory wise I wasn't hacking during or after and tonight I feel pretty good now. So, I think I'll take a look in the morning, if it is as bad weather wise as they are saying, I'll put of running. But, Sunday looks for sure to be a nice day for a 10 miler nice and easy. Still considering my schedule for the next 6 months. What I'm thinking now is:
1. Providence marathon
2. Boston Prep 16 miler
3. Eastern States 20 miler
4. 1/2 at the Hamptons
5. Get in a couple smaller races 5K, 10K
6. Stew Chase
7. At least one snow shoe race
1. Providence marathon
2. Boston Prep 16 miler
3. Eastern States 20 miler
4. 1/2 at the Hamptons
5. Get in a couple smaller races 5K, 10K
6. Stew Chase
7. At least one snow shoe race
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Just keeps getting better
- My daughter just got diagnosed w/ Swine Flu and an ear infection.
- My whole family likely has swine flu, which people have died from.
- I have been sleeping on the couch the last few nights because I wake up in the middle of the night with coughing fits that wake my wife up.
- My wife lost her voice w/ this thing.
- I'm not running, neither is my wife
- This blog kind of becomes pointless without the running aspect, although I am definately plodding along now.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
So much for Manchester
What a depressing weekend for me. I ran an easy 7 miler Thursday, I was coughing afterwards but thought it felt better. Friday I went over to the track and did a pre race pace workout, 2xmile,2x800,2x400 all at marathon pace (7:30 was my guess). In reality I feel like my fitness before this cold was more like 7:20 shape if I had a good day. Anyhow Saturday morning I woke up congested w/ a sore throat, I headed up to Manchester to get my packet etc. hell I already paid for the race I was gonna do it. Saturday night I trick or treated with the kids and by around 8pm I had a bad feeling that I just wasn't getting better. Sunday morning I got up all congested and nasty, headed up to Manchester, laced up my sneakers, closepinned on my bib and walked around a bit. The day was perfect, partly sunny, 50's, couldn't ask for a better day. About 45 minutes before the start I found the timing company, turned in my chip, went back to my car, changed and went home. I knew if I started the race I wouldn't drop out, I wouldn't get a race that was an accurate reflection of all the work I've done, but I would get myself seriously sick. Although I have only run one of these things I do respect the distance-I also don't want to plod through it-I want to go as fast as possible. I had a cold last year that I kept pushing for a month, take a day off-run-day off run-until I was seriously sick with a bronchial infection. It is now Tuesday and I still feel like crap, I haven't run and I'm not gonna until this thing is 100% gone. This was the perfect nightmare as far getting sick the week before and there was nothing I could do. This was seriously depressing for me. I have thought about hammering this marathon out for the better part of 4 months, and my confidence was huge over the last month as I increased mileage and intensity. I completed a few key workouts I wouldn't even have considered 6 months ago. I think the best thing to do now is take some time off and regroup. I'll lay out some race targets over the next six months and pick a goal marathon for the spring. Oh well. On an even more depressing note, my wife has this thing now and both my kids are struggling to get over it. So I got that going for me!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Nasty Cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got a 9.5 mile run in on Sunday for the Lynn Woods Stone Tower Trail Race then by Monday morning I had a nasty cold. Fearing Swine Flu I took off Tuesday from work, it has been getting better but I have not run. So far I have taken Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off from running. I think I could manage a run today but I have some serious congestion. Last year I had a similar cold and I pushed through it and developed a nasty bronchial infection-which was nearly pnemonia. It is getting down to the wire now with the Marathon on Sunday. That gives me 3 days to clear this up. Not how I wanted to be going into this thing. This is turning into an unplanned sit on my ass taper and I feel myself getting slower by the minute. I will need to go on a run today just to see how I feel. It drives me crazy, because I always felt like I could just run these things off (I never missed a practice rowing in college). Maybe it just age, but I am learning the hard way that I need to throttle back or else I really take a few steps backward.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Charlestown Track 10x800
This was the last hard workout before the Mancherster 26.2 next Sunday. This workout felt great and I am confident in my fitness level. What I noticed most was the 200m jog in between was a legit jog and not a plod and I felt "recovered" before the next interval-the rest time in between was consistent on each one as 1 min 8 sec between for the 200 jog. I will hit the track next Tuesday for 4xmile at my marathon pace and the rest of my miles next week will be easy w/ a few pickup miles to keep my legs fresh. Splits below:
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Progression Run around Lake Quannapowitt
Visited my grandfather in Wakefield and hit Lake Quannapowitt for 3 laps. I focused on picking up my pace each lap. The loop is a little over 3 miles. The day was absolutely perfect; cool, sunny, and no wind. I actually did these a little faster than I thought, when I mapped the run it shows the loop as around 3.15 miles. Actually started around my goal marathon pace and dropped to about my 15k pace on the last one- I thought I was starting at about 20 sec above marathon pace and finishing about 10 sec below, just going on feel and looking at the time each lap (I was calculating it as 3 miles). It was really encouraging to calculate the split times and find out I was clocking about 10sec per mile faster than I felt I was. I guess it sometimes pays not to think about the clock/distance thing too hard sometimes. Summary:
Total: 9.45miles-1:08:27/7:15
Total: 9.45miles-1:08:27/7:15
Friday, October 16, 2009
Cape Cod Canal 10 mile out and back

Went down to Mass maritime for a career fair on Thursday. I had wanted to hit the track in Charlestown but the fair was an hour earlier than I thought, the weather was lousy so I figured I'd just get down to the south shore and try and squeeze in a run. Got down there fairly quickly and figured I had time for an easy 10 miler. I parked at the railroad bridge by the canal, it was misting and raw. I immediately noticed a mile marker on the canal path and started my watch, after the first two mile jog I decided to try and even split the first five miles out and then negative split the second half on the way back. Markers are posted every 1/2 mile, I found that feedback really helpful. The workout went great and was a pretty good confidence builder. Maybe it was the new Brooks Ghosts I bought yesterday, the training, the well marked trail or more likely the slight downhill and tailwind on the wayback-But I'll take it. Splits as follows:
1-7:57 ___________6-7:36
2-8:01 ___________7-7:15
3-7:58 ___________8-7:01
4-8:02 ___________9-6:48
5-8:01 ___________10-6:25
1-7:57 ___________6-7:36
2-8:01 ___________7-7:15
3-7:58 ___________8-7:01
4-8:02 ___________9-6:48
5-8:01 ___________10-6:25
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Biggest week to date
56 miles for the week, that includes a 16 medium hard effort, 20 mile Long and Slow, 4x1 mile and the rest was easy jogs. Feel pretty good and looking to get another week over 50 w/ one more 20mile+ long run in.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Charlestown Track 4x1mile
Had planned on 10x800, but got stuck in traffic trying to get to work early so I improvised and hammered this one out in 35min. 4x1mile w/200 jog between.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
One year of Solid running
The baystate marathon will be about 1 year of solid running for me. I ran the 1/2 marathon last year after about two months of building up some mileage. But after baystate last year I began running regularly 4-6 times per week. Last month I posted my biggest month mileage wise to date (that includes the previous 33 years of my life as I had never been a regular runner)-186 miles is considered a light month to "real runners" but for me to complete it fairly comfortably with none of the pains and fatigue I was feeling 6 months ago after a 177mile month, I am quite pleased. I did not get in a run over 12 miles last week, but the two 12 milers I completed were "hilly" routes. So I was pleased with the volume and quantity of work last week but concerned because I didn't get in the 20 miler I need. I will be looking to get the long slow distance (i.e. 20 miler ) early this week.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Nahant 30K

Drove the 5 minutes to Lynn/Nahant Beach yesterday to run the 30k. The weather actually turned out to be pretty good for running, given the wind held off. I really didn't change anything eating or hydrating wise. Got up at 7am drank a cup of coffee, ate two pop tarts and drove over. I proceeded to register, eat 2 bananas and drink one small bottled water, hit the porta john 10 minutes before the start and felt ready to go. Really didn't warm up much, maybe 5-10 minutes of easy jogging. My plan was to go through the 10mile @ 1:15 (7:30pace) and see how I felt. I took a look at my watch at 5 miles, was right on pace and I hit the 10 mile at 1:14, and felt strong. This was a tune up run for Manchester, I worked on even pacing and hitting the water stops for gatorade/water. I didn't use any gels (because I didn't have any). This course was all up and down and turns so I think it beat you up a bit, I picked it up over the last 5 miles and passed a few people, but my legs were feeling it. I am pleased with the result and have a pretty good guage on my fitness level. I'll hit a 20 miler this weekend and get some long slow distance in.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Charlestown Track 8x800
Nice day, slight breeze, 200 jog between . 1 mile warm up 1 mile cool down
Monday, September 21, 2009
Nahant 5 miler
Had a decent race Sunday in Nahant. My wife and kids were there cheering me on my birthday. The course was fairly hilly, so I am pleased with my time, basically within 3 sec/ mile pace of the 4 miler I ran on the 4th of July (which was a fairly flat course) so I think my fitness level and speed has been improving. I was trailed the whole race by some guy who passed me in the last 1/4 mile and I just didn't have anything in the tank to hold him off. Pretty typical for me, I've always been able to push well through the middle, but never much a finisher.
Friday, September 18, 2009
CTown Track 6x800
Felt good throughout, probably went a little easy for the 1st half not knowing how I would feel. Did these with a 200 jog between (about 1 min 15 sec). Did about a 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down jogging to and from the track. I like these workouts, in a half hour you definately feel like you've worked hard. I am gonna have to get a new watch with more than a 10 lap memory if I keep progressing with these workouts.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Charlestown Track 4x800
Did a "track workout" I'm sure real runners would laugh, but I got stuck at work late, so my 9 miler was out of the question. Wanted to do something quick and not a total waste of time, so I ran the mile from work to the track in Charlestown and blasted this workout in 15min. I am looking forward to the day when I can write that I did 8x800. Was planning on doing an 8k race on Revere Beach this morning, was raining hard this morning, race cost 25 bucks-you do the math I said screw it. 16 mile Long run tomorrow, weather looks great.
4x800 w/ 60sec jog between/ 1mile warmup/1mile cool down
4x800 w/ 60sec jog between/ 1mile warmup/1mile cool down
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Another 32 mile week
Having some great runs lately. I went on a 14.5 mile run Monday and it felt great. Probably has to do with the fact it is the first run I've done over 11 miles when it hasn't been 100% humidity and the high 80's in a while. This week should see a step up in mileage and I actually feel like these last 3 weeks of 30 miles a week (plus 3 commutes to work each week) have probably helped me step up to some 35-45 weeks and utimately (3) 50-60 mile weeks. After the 14.5 mile run I felt great the next day and decided not to go on an easy 5 miler, and just use the day to recover. I have developed a rule based on aches and pains-take a rest day or cross train day after 4 consecutive days of running. I'd like to stick with this for at least the next 4 weeks. My problem is I run when I have the time and due to my schedule I take it when I can, so if I have two or 3 days back to back with some extra time I'll end up doing 3 higher mileage days. In the past this has led to me doing 50 miles a week and doing 40-45 of those miles on three back to back days. Over the next two months I am going to be trying to avoid this.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Home Improvements
Missed my long run again this Sunday as I was knee deep in redoing my kitchen. My inlaws took the kids for the weekend, so I dug in Friday night and removed the walls, the cabinets, and the countertops. On Sunday my kitchen sink was in my living room so I had to push and get the kitchen to a workable condition before my kids came home Sunday night. Another sub par mileage week but I no longer have laminate marble walls and a dropped ceiling in my kitchen. Someone wrote a date on the back of the old cabinets 10/82, figure that is a pretty accurate date of the last renovation. Nice! I did get a nice 11 mile run with my wife on her bike through Swampscott and Marblehead Friday night before the chaos began. Can I manage to break 40 miles this week? We'll see.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Surf or Run?

Thanks Bill! When you only get a dozen days of good surf a year and 11 of those days take place when it is snowing and the water temp is 38 degrees. Well, I just couldn't pass up warm water, good swell, a hot summer day, and it was a Sunday. Reminded me of living and surfing in North Carolina. So I passed on the long run and hit the surf for 2 hours on Sunday. So the weekly mileage is a measley 32, but given the great surf I don't regret it one bit. Picture to the left taken by someone in Florida when Bill hit down there/the water in Nahant looked an awful lot like FL.
My wife got a promotional card for 40% off Karhu shoes, so I ordered up a pair of Fluid Fulcrum Ride's, hate to buy something without trying it on, but for $65 I figured it is worth a try. My Nike Vomero 3's are pushing 430 miles so I need to start breaking in another pair in. We'll see how they work out, the Vomero's tended to be awfully soft and cushioned, I am looking for something a little less squishy.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Lynn Woods XC

Another great Lynn Woods XC run, I love the spirit behind these informal races. What could be purer than a bunch of people lining up and seeing who can run through the woods the fastest. The guys that put these on are really devoted to the sport; timing, refreshements, results posted online, pictures, numbers, couldn't be any better. This was my 4th Lynn Woods this summer and I liked this one the best. I decided early on to push on the uphills and go easy on the downhills, I am still concerned about injuring my left foot. This made for a great run as some of the younger guys would scream by me on the downhills and then I'd plod by them on the uphills. Lots of single track running which was a good change from pounding it out on the fire roads,this also made for a more controlled pace and a chance to just file in with a bunch of other runners. According to the time/distance which is always a bit iffy the splits came in just under 7min/mile. The wife and kids came to cheer on dad which is always the icing on the cake. I've complimented my running this week with biking to work, with the heat it just makes it difficult to get runs over 7 miles in, so I figured the extra hour on the bike each day wouldn't be a bad thing.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Couple Hot runs down

Thanks to Jim Rhoades for the Yankee Homecoming Photo to the left. Hadn't run that race since 1995 and it was a hot one then too. Left foot still feels a little tender. Ran about 5 miles on Monday w/ a quick 800 meters on the Swampscott High track. Really just want to get myself accustomed to running on a track as I begin incorporating a few track workouts into my running. The track is real nice, rubberized, shaded in the afternoon, so every couple weeks I'll try and head over to do some work. The heat has been tough, ran to a friend's pool and met the family after work on Tuesday, about 100 degrees and 100% humidity, good 7 miler. The pool felt great w/ the kids. I'm planning on making it to the Lynn Woods CC running tonight, I will NOT push the pace as I think hammering down the hills three weeks ago is what really did my foot in. Looking to get a good 8 miles or so in on softer terrain.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hot, Hot, Hot
I can only get afternoon runs in on the weekends and with the heat, saturday was a 6.5 miler. Sunday was a wash, no running, spent the day at the pool w/ the kids. Off to a slow start but looking to up the mileage this week. On a better note, my foot is feeling better and I think I've "healed" adequately and can start posting some bigger days.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Couple runs under the belt
Got an easy 7 miler in on thursday, felt ok. My left foot is still acting a little weird. Ache is on the inside of my arch forward and only hurts when I heal strike on hard surfaces. Feels fine going up hill, running on my toes, and running on the beach or grass. But plodding along on the pavement doesn't feel great. Did a quick 3 miler in the woods yesterday, felt good although it was rediculously humid, did some bounding through high grass orchards near the trail head. Feeling like I'll plod out a 10 miler this afternoon in the heat to see how I hold up after two weeks off.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
One more day
Thursday will be exactly two weeks off. I plan on getting a quick 5miler in thursday early afternoon. Looking to take thursday and friday off from work to get some time with my kids and wife, 3 weeks without a day off (oh yeah the afternoon of my vesectomy). On another note the weather in Bangor Me has been perfect for running, dry and unseasonably cool. Drove from Bangor to Searsport today for work and drooled at the side roads. While the lack of running is pissing me off, my work has been beyond hectic and at least I have a legitimate "medical" reason not to run. If I was missing runs right now because of work it would really piss me off. So I am in the right mind frame for this long break. I think the next blog will be sometime after I've gotten some miles under my belt and have something to write about.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Vasectomy down time
Coming up on two weeks off from from running to get my ballsack back in shape after a vasectomy. Prior to the operation I was planning on 5 days off, as the doctor said "take it easy for 5 days" now I know that means sit on the couch. Having gone back to work the next day, spent saturday at the beach w/ my kids and headed to Maine for a few days of hot sweaty work- I realized that I wouldn't be running that week. So I'm basically laying low until I know I've "healed" adequately-My plans are Thursday for my first run back. This will start a 3 month segment to prep for the Manchester, NH marathon. Would've done Baystate but w/ this setback I think I'll get better results from a full 3 month segment. Had some issues with with the arch on my left foot after the Yankee Homecoming 10 miler two weeks ago, so all in all I think a little bit of time off is not a bad thing.
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