Sunday, December 28, 2014

10,000 mile

This is chump change compared to what real runners do but hey, I'm not a runner and I started this whole "yogging" (to quote R. Burgundy) thing 5 years ago.  On October 25th I ran my 10,000 mile, with the GPS watch I could watch it tick down-happened right at the top of Furbush Hill overlooking Boston in Nahant.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Back the Track 5k

Ran a pretty large 5k in Marblehead on Saturday, over 800 people toed the line. Shalane Flanagan was there to help raise money for a new track. Got a great picture with her and the kids. The kids competed in the 1 mile race and did great. It was brutally cold out, in the high teens when we left the house. I went to the line with basically no warm-up, which is never a good thing for me. I think I ran pretty well, within a few seconds of my best to date-but not a ground breaker-which I think I'm do for given my volume and consistency recently. I suffered on the middle mile (there was a decent hill), but if I can iron that out and have a decent day I think I can get down into the mid 18's. Good enough for 31st place in a pretty big field. results

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Miles for smiles 5k

Had a pretty good run in Swampscott, I think the intervals are making me a bit better at the 5k. Took the lead in the last uphill 1/4 mile but got nipped at the end-oh well. Happy with the results.
2-12:14/ 6:17
3-18:20/ 6:07
5k-18:56/ 6:05

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Miles 4 Kyle 5k

Ran a flat 5k in swampscott today. Managed 4th place at 6:14 pace. Got "chicked" in the last 100 yds for 3rd place with the family watching. Just nothing in my legs today. I think I am going to start taking the 5k more seriously- I have been getting consistent mileage but have lacked  any speed work or other specific workouts that would get me in the low18 min range, which I think I am capable of running. I was pleased to see consistency in these splits  and to see that I didn't fade like I had felt I was doing in the last 1/2 mile. Results
1- 6:09
Total: 19:20/6:14

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Big Bad Wolf 5 Miler

Pretty big field for this trail race in Ipswich, but not a very fast crowd. For me to finish 10th in a field of over 400 results  means it was a slow field. Regardless, I ran a pretty consistent run through a bunch of cornfields and polo fields near Wolf Hollow in Ipswich. Actually was pretty good competition around me and pushed me the whole way.
2-6:16.29 /12:22
3-6:20.36 /18:43
4-6:18.63 /25:01
5-6:39.16 /31:41
Total: 33:07  6:36 pace
My garmin had this race about .3 more than 5 which would have put my pace under 6:30, which I am really pleased about.
The kids were there to cheer me on. Afterwards we went apple picking at Russel Orchards and Rock Climbing at Agassiz rock. A great day-the beginning of fall.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hoompa 5 Miler

Ran a pretty even paced 5 miler on the home field in Nahant. Good enough for 3rd place in a small field-even got a $25 gift card to the Tides. results

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yankee Homecoming 2014

A solid showing here with the family watching. Probably was a little too eager the first 1/2, but I was feeling good and not looking at my watch so I just rolled. Someone called out the 5 mile split at 32:20, and knowing that 32:30 was 6:30 pace, which was a stretch goal, I silently said "oh shit",  I knew I had better throttle back for the coming hills or I'd be crawling the last 2 miles. I made a decided effort to slow down at 1/2 way. Results

 Looking at my splits, it was a pretty bad fade-but miles 6,7,8 are pretty tough on this course- managed to hang on for a time that was a 1 second PR, from the same race in 2011-I'll take it. A little disappointed I didn't crack the top 100-came in 101st-but I'm pleased with the result-Progress. I am happy with how easy the first 4 miles felt at what was around 6:20 pace-I definitely think that racing shorter distances this spring has improved my leg turnover-now I just need to stretch the distances out and work on some tempo pace work to grind in pace-and give myself some confidence that I can hold the pace.
Garmin time:
total watch time(10.09miles) 1:07:23/6:41
total chip time 1:07:20/6:44

Friday, June 20, 2014

Beverly 5K

Hot day, probably bit off more than I could chew. I went out around 6 min pace hoping to hold that, got stuck working by myself at 1.5 miles and struggled. Finally, some guy  caught up with me and I tagged along with him through the finish. It is what it is. Ended up 6th overall. results
19:50 6:24/pace

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Stride the Tide Nahant 5K

I actually won a race a couple weeks ago. A small 5k in Nahant, for the YMCA. I settled into 2nd  place after the first mile, hung out there for a bit and then managed to pass the leader with 1/4 mile to go. Awfully weird to be behind the police motorcycle. Almost blew up in the last few hundred yards but managed to hold on for the win. Obviously, a small field if I can win running 6 min pace, but I'll take it. I even got a $50 gift card to the Greater Boston Running Club, which I used to buy last years "on-sale" garmin watch. Very pleased with the effort, I actually think I might be able to dip under 6 min pace for a 5k on the right course, this one was hilly-makes me think if 18 flat is possible with the right training. I plan on sticking to the shorter stuff like this and trying to keep my mileage moderate w/ lots of core work, rolling, stretching etc..  results

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lynn woods 5k

Headed over to Lynn Woods with the kids for a trail run. 5k for me 3k for the kids. Managed to run 6:35's over the hilly trails, with no relative speed work over the last 6 months, good enough for 4th place in a small field. Pleased with the results, some lingering pain in my abdomen and groin, hoping its just a result of the hardwork and not a lingering/growing injury. Kids did awesome. Results: Lynn woods 5k

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Brooksby Snowshoe 5k

Good time. Definitely getting into shape. I was with the lead group for maybe first 1/2 mile, then fell into a chase group which I then dropped, leaving me running all alone for about the last 20 minutes. Couldn't gain any ground on the guy ahead of me. Seemed like the last 3/4 mile of the course was all uphill. A nice course though, w/ plenty of snow, 5th place overall.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2014 Goals plus-2012 & 2013 look back

Well, I finally got around to putting down a 2013 goals and 2012 look back, unfortunately it is a year late and I'll need to incorporate it into this years. so here we go:
2014 Goals:
-2 week camping trip
-work towards long term goal of all 4000 footers in white mtns (bag at least 1)
-learn rock climbing skills w/ kids
-Complete 1/2 MBA program by year end 2014
-Network for job prospects
-log consistent mileage

-All Cat scans A ok, good health
-family healthy
-Moved from the apartment to a house with a yard on Ocean st
-running came around last half of the year, logging steady mileage
-took the GMAT, got into Northeastern MBA program, started fall semester
-Work situation in Boston resolved. Forced decision on MBA program and future with current company
-Work situation is fun and fits well w/ graduate school
-nice camping trip to crawford notch
-kids ran their first running race (XC)
-Work situation in Boston resolved, meant I had to close the business-not an enjoyable 6 months dealing with it.
-Current work situation is tentative at best and could get bigger or go away at any moment.
-only one camping trip to crawford notch

-All Cat scans A OK, good health
-family healthy
-job promotion
-great camping trips, found crawford notch
-moved from the little house on Emerald to a bigger apartment on Bass point Nahant
-going to PT for running related issues
-job promotion-work situation is very stressful-Boston situation is volatile
-running is deplorable this year, due to a host of overuse injuries, primarily right groin/ hip flexor, taken a lot of time off and have seen  PT to try and get to the bottom of it.
-Did not take the GMAT and apply to business school